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China’s Future Military Capabilities
April 26, 2023
— The 2022 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America identifies China as the “pacing challenge” for the US military. This monograph examines the process by which China’s military capabilities are developed, the capabilities China’s military is seeking to acquire in the future, and the resulting implications for the US military. To...
Striking the Balance: US Army Force Posture in Europe, 2028—A Study Sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of the Army
June 24, 2020
— Authors: J.P. Clark and C. Anthony PfaffWithin the context of Europe, the US Army must develop a force posture that best navigates the tensions between deterring or defeating armed conflict at acceptable cost, successfully competing below armed conflict, and maintaining global responsiveness and institutional flexibility through the global...
Parameters VOL. 48 NO. 4 Winter 2018-19
May 6, 2019
— Editor: Dr Antulio J Echevarria II FEATURES: Special Commentary "Civil-Military Relations and Today’s Policy Environment" by Thomas N. Garner.Coercion: New Means & Methods"Social Media Warriors: Leveraging a New Battlespace" by Buddhika B. Jayamaha and Jahara Matisek."Multidimensionality: Rethinking Power Projection for the 21st Century" by David...
Scenario Planning and Strategy in the Pentagon
January 29, 2019
— Author: Dr Michael FitzsimmonsView the Executive Summary Scenario planning should be one of the Pentagon’s most important tools for developing strategy for an uncertain future. However, the formalized joint scenario planning process to support strategy and force development—Support for Strategic Analysis—has faced many challenges over the past 2...
Underestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future-Second Edition
August 22, 2018
— Author: Mr Henry D SokolskiView the Executive SummaryUnderestimated: Our Not So Peaceful Nuclear Future, Second Edition explores what nuclear future we may face over the next three decades and how we currently think about this future. Will nuclear weapons spread in the next 20 years to more nations than just North Korea and possibly Iran? How dire...
Friendly Force Dilemmas in Europe: Challenges Within and Among Intergovernmental Organizations and the Implications for the U.S. Army
May 23, 2018
— Authors: Jose Luis Calvo Albero, Jose De Meer Madrid, Kirk Gallinger, Klaus Klingenschmid, Angus McAfee, Stefano Messina, Markus Meyer, Michael Mineni, Darryl RuppView the Executive SummaryAfter a period of stability, the transatlantic community is facing considerable challenges in maintaining European security. Russia’s efforts to destabilize...
Robotics and Military Operations
May 22, 2018
— Editor: Prof William G Braun III, Kim Richard Nossal, Stéfanie von HlatkyView the Executive SummaryIn the wake of two extended wars, Western militaries find themselves looking to the future while confronting amorphous nonstate threats and shrinking defense budgets. The 2015 Kingston Conference on International Security (KCIS) examined how robotics...
The Land, Space, and Cyberspace Nexus: Evolution of the Oldest Military Operations in the Newest Military Domains
March 27, 2018
— Author: Mr Jeffrey L CatonView the Executive SummaryOver the last century, the domains of air, space, and cyberspace have joined the traditional warfighting domains of land and sea. While the doctrine for land operations is relatively mature, the doctrine for space and cyberspace continue to evolve, often in an unstructured manner. This monograph...
Strategic Insights: Challenges in Using Scenario Planning for Defense Strategy
January 30, 2018
— Dr. Michael FitzsimmonsLawrence Freedman and Colin Gray are two of the most famous contemporary scholars of military strategy. Within the past few years, each published a book addressing different aspects of the same practical problem of strategy: defense planning.1 Considered to be strategy’s mundane cousin, defense planning revolves around how a...
Evaluation of the 2015 DoD Cyber Strategy: Mild Progress in a Complex and Dynamic Military Domain
November 2, 2017
— Author: Mr Jeffrey L CatonView the Executive Summary In 2011, the Department of Defense (DoD) released its Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace, which officially recognized cyberspace as an operational domain akin to the traditional military domains of land, sea, air, and space. This monograph examines the 2015 DoD Cyber Strategy to evaluate how...
Closer Than You Think: The Implications of the Third Offset Strategy for the U.S. Army
October 26, 2017
— Editor: Mr Samuel R White JrView the Executive Summary The Defense Innovation Initiative (DII), begun in November 2014 by former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, is intended to ensure U.S. military superiority throughout the 21st century. The DII seeks broad-based innovation across the spectrum of concepts, research and development, capabilities,...
Strategic Landscape, 2050: Preparing the U.S. Military for New Era Dynamics
September 14, 2017
— Author: Mr Roman MuzalevskyView the Executive Summary A series of megatrends will present a major challenge to the United States in the coming decades, exposing it to crises and opportunities on the battlefield and in the market. The U.S. military should stand ready to harness these dynamics to retain its edge in an operational environment marked...