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Tag: South & Latin America

Bolivia’s Descent into Deep Chaos and the Implications for the Region
November 22, 2023
The resource rich, land-locked South American nation of Bolivia has traditionally received limited attention from Washington. The country, historically mired in poverty, corruption, and cycles of political conflict is one of the hemisphere’s major sources for coca and illegally mined gold, as well as a transit country for both. Bolivia’s leftist populist Movement for Socialism (MAS) governments of Evo Morales and Luis Arce have made the country an important point of entry into the hemisphere for extra-hemispheric U.S. rivals including the People’s Republic of China, Russia, and Iran.
In recent weeks, a power struggle has emerged for control of the MAS between current President Luis Arce and former President Evo Morales. This has implications for the stability of the country as it plays out in the context of crosscutting political rivalries, economic difficulties, and a significant criminal economy with competing interests. This work examines the deteriorating situation in Bolivia and the potential implications for the region.
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PacNet #49 – China’s military engagements with Cuba: Implications of a strategic advance in Latin America
July 30, 2023
PacNet #49 – China’s military engagements with Cuba: Implications of a strategic advance in Latin America

Brazil and the Illiberal Anti-U.S. Alliance
June 20, 2023
Brazil and the Illiberal Anti-U.S. Alliance
Jun 20, 2023 | China, R. Evan Ellis, South & Latin America, SSI Worldwide

The Advance of China and Authoritarian Populism in Honduras
June 9, 2023
The Advance of China and Authoritarian Populism in Honduras
R. Evan Ellis

Panama’s Popular Discontent Is Still Simmering
May 27, 2023
Panama’s Popular Discontent Is Still Simmering
R. Evan Ellis

PRC Engagement in Costa Rica (on CEEP)
May 18, 2023
PRC Engagement in Costa Rica (on CEEP)
R. Evan Ellis

Lessons from Russia’s Latin America engagement over Ukraine
May 9, 2022
Lessons from Russia’s Latin America engagement over Ukraine