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Tag: People's Liberation Army

Civil-Military Change in China: Elites, Institutes, and Ideas After the 16th Party Congress
September 1, 2004

People’s Liberation Army After Next
August 1, 2000

The PLA and the Kosovo Conflict
May 1, 2000

What’s with the Relationship between America’s Army and China’s PLA?
September 1, 1996

China’s Transition into the 21st Century: U.S. and PRC Perspectives
July 1, 1996

China’s Quest for Security in the Post-Cold War World
July 1, 1996

China and the Revolution in Military Affairs
May 1, 1996

China’s Strategic View: The Role of the People’s Liberation Army
April 1, 1996

Security Cooperation with China: Analysis and a Proposal
November 1, 1994