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Tag: European Union

Return of the Balkans: Challenges to European Integration and U.S. Disengagement
May 31, 2013
Return of the Balkans: Challenges to European Integration and U.S. Disengagement

The Role of Small States in the Post-Cold War Era: The Case of Belarus
May 1, 2012
Cover for The Role of Small States in the Post-Cold War Era: The Case of Belarus

Op-Ed: Zen and the Art of Social Selfishness
March 4, 2012

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union’s Common Security and Defense Policy: Intersecting Trajectories
July 1, 2011
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union's Common Security and Defense Policy: Intersecting Trajectories

The Russian Military and the Georgia War: Lessons and Implications
June 1, 2011
The Russian Military and the Georgia War: Lessons and Implications

Operation EUFOR TCHAD/RCA and the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy
October 1, 2010
Cover for Operation EUFOR TCHAD/RCA and the EU's Common Security and Defense Policy

Borders: Technology and Security–Strategic Responses to New Challenges
May 1, 2008

The Evolution of U.S.-Turkish Relations in a Transatlantic Context
November 1, 2007

The Eastern Dimension of America’s New European Allies
October 1, 2007

Can Tony Blair Make a Difference in the Middle East?
August 1, 2007

Russia and the European Union: The Sources and Limits of “Special Relationships”
February 1, 2007

Getting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran
November 1, 2005