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Tag: National Security

U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues, Vol. I: Theory of War and Strategy, 3rd Edition
June 1, 2008

U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues, Vol. II: National Security Policy and Strategy, 3rd Edition
June 1, 2008

Global Climate Change National Security Implications
April 1, 2008

Opportunities for Engaging Minorities
March 1, 2008

Building for the Future: China’s Progress in Space Technology during the Tenth 5-Year Plan and the U.S. Response
March 1, 2008

Developing Strategic Leaders for the 21st Century
February 1, 2008

Jordanian National Security and the Future of Middle East Stability
January 1, 2008

Defense Transformation: To What, For What?
November 1, 2006

Alliances and American National Security
October 1, 2006

Strategic Challenges for Counterinsurgency and the Global War on Terrorism
September 1, 2006

U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Policy and Strategy, 2nd Edition
June 1, 2006

Kim Jong Il and North Korea: The Leader and the System
March 1, 2006