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Tactical Nuclear Weapons and NATO
April 1, 2012
Cover for Tactical Nuclear Weapons and NATO

Implications of a Changing NATO
May 1, 2010

Medvedev’s Plan: Giving Russia a Voice but not a Veto in a New European Security System
January 1, 2010

New NATO Members: Security Consumers or Producers?
April 1, 2009

The Second Berlin Wall
May 1, 2008
Cover for The Second Berlin Wall

The Evolution of U.S.-Turkish Relations in a Transatlantic Context
November 1, 2007

The Eastern Dimension of America’s New European Allies
October 1, 2007

The NATO-Russia Partnership: A Marriage of Convenience or a Troubled Relationship?
November 1, 2006

Multilateral Constraints on the Use of Force: A Reassessment
March 1, 2006

The Mexican Armed Forces in Transition
January 1, 2006

Law vs. War: Competing Approaches to Fighting Terrorism
July 1, 2005

The Strategic Implications of the Rise of Populism in Europe and South America
June 1, 2005