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World War I
Implications for Modern Warfighting Concepts: What the US Army Can Learn from Past Conflicts
March 22, 2024
— These four historic vignettes provide context and lessons learned for the US Army as it returns to peer conflict. Although history does not account for the cyber and space domains, the leaders involved in the highlighted conflicts dealt with the reintroduction of maneuver warfare tied to modern fires from land, sea, and air. Peer-level conflict also compelled governments to work intensely in the information space to steel...
Without Flyers, No Tannenberg: Aviation on the Eastern Front of 1914—Evolution of a Critical Role for Modern Warfare
September 21, 2023
— 76th Birthday of Air Force | Book Review: Without Flyers, No Tannenberg: Aviation on the Eastern Front of 1914—Evolution of a Critical Role for Modern Warfare Authors: Terrence J. Finnegan, Helmut Jäger, and Carl J. Bobrow | Reviewed by Greg Pickell, US Army lieutenant colonel (retired) | Providing valuable historical context, Without Flyers, No...
John J. Pershing and the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I, 1917–1919: April 7-September 30, Volume 1
May 16, 2023
— Military History Book Review: John J. Pershing and the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I, 1917–1919: April 7-September 30, Volume 1 Editor: John T. Greenwood | Reviewed by Dr. Nathan K. Finney, lieutenant colonel, US Army, Indo-Pacific Command, founder of The Strategy Bridge and the Military Writers Guild | Thoroughly researched and...
On “The Grand Strategy of Gertrude Bell”: From the Arab Bureau to the Creation of Iraq
March 29, 2023
— The remarkable life of early-twentieth-century British adventurer Gertrude Bell has been well documented through her biographies and numerous travel books. Bell’s role as a grand strategist for the British government in the Middle East during World War I and the postwar period, however, is surprisingly understudied. Investigating Gertrude Bell as both a military strategist and a grand strategist offers important insights into...
“Coalition Warfare–Echoes from the Past”
March 19, 2021
— The dilemmas posed by coalition warfare were a subject of academic interest in the inaugural issue of Parameters in 1971. Lieutenant Colonel James B. Agnew examined the unified command model pursued by the Allies during the First World War. Agnew’s assessment of the challenges faced by French Marshal Ferdinand Foch speaks to challenges NATO faces...
Mission Command of Multi-Domain Operations
September 2, 2020
— Mark Balboni, John A. Bonin, Robert Mundell, Doug Orsi, 2020This research monograph explores the Army’s emerging concept of multi-domain operations and its implications on the mission command approach. The transition to multi-domain operations changes the traditional view of how Army commanders and staffs conduct operations in the physical...
Parameters VOL. 49 NO. 1–2 Spring–Summer 2019
July 18, 2019
— Editor: Dr Antulio J. Echevarria FEATURES:A2/AD Myths: Chinese & Russian"Anti-Access Strategies in the Pacific: The United States and China" by Sam J. Tangredi."Russia's A2/AD Capabilities: Real and Imagined" by Keir Giles and Mathieu Boulegue.Enhancing Security & Stability"Human Security in the Arctic: Implications for the United States Army" by...
Transformation Under Fire: A Historical Case Study with Modern Parallels
October 1, 2007
— Author: Major Raymond A Kimball The Bolshevik leaders who built the Red Army from the shattered remnants of the Imperial Russian Army after World War I were far more innovative and pragmatic than usually believed. These men had a clear vision of what they needed from their armed forces and sustained that vision through years of sustained combat...