Home : SSI Media : Recent Publications
Strategic Horizons: The Military Implications of Alternative Futures
March 7, 1997

The Dynamics of Russian Weapon Sales to China
March 4, 1997

World View: The 1997 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute
February 3, 1997

Haiti Update
January 29, 1997

Tacit Acceptance and Watchful Eyes: Beijing’s Views about the U.S.-ROK Alliance
January 24, 1997

The Chemical Weapons Convention: Strategic Implications for the United States
January 8, 1997

The Peace process, Phase One: Past Accomplishments, Future Concerns
January 3, 1997

Force, Statecraft and German Unity: The Struggle to Adapt Institutions and Practices
December 1, 1996

Asian Security to the Year 2000
December 1, 1996

The ASEAN Regional Forum: Asian Security without an American Umbrella
December 1, 1996

Managing Strains in the Coalition: What to Do About Saddam?
November 1, 1996

Civil-Military Relations and the Not-Quite Wars of the Present and Future
October 1, 1996