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Strategic Planning by the Chairmen, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1990 TO 2005
May 1, 2006

Addicted to Oil: Strategic Implications of American Oil Policy
May 1, 2006

U.S. Military Operations in Iraq: Planning, Combat and Occupation
April 1, 2006

Counterterrorism in African Failed States: Challenges and Potential Solutions
April 1, 2006

Preventive War and Its Alternatives: The Lessons of History
April 1, 2006

The Proliferation Security Initiative as a New Paradigm for Peace and Security
April 1, 2006

Iron Troikas: The New Threat from the East
March 28, 2006

Planning For and Applying Military Force: An Examination of Terms
March 1, 2006

The Challenge of Governance and Security
March 1, 2006

Kim Jong Il and North Korea: The Leader and the System
March 1, 2006

CU @ The FOB: How the Forward Operating Base is Changing the Life of Combat Soldiers
March 1, 2006

Multilateral Constraints on the Use of Force: A Reassessment
March 1, 2006