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Transforming to Effects-Based Operations: Lessons from the United Kingdom Experience
January 1, 2008

Women in Combat Compendium
January 1, 2008

Naval Transformation, Ground Forces, and the Expeditionary Impulse: The Sea-Basing Debate
December 1, 2006

Castro’s Cuba: Quo Vadis?
December 1, 2006

Iraq, Women’s Empowerment and Public Policy
December 1, 2006

Iraqi Security Forces and Lessons from Korea
December 1, 2006

Regional Fears of Western Primacy and the Future of U.S. Middle Eastern Basing Policy
December 1, 2006

Challenging Transformation’s Clichés
December 1, 2006

Russian Nonproliferation Policy and the Korean Peninsula
December 1, 2006

Transformation’s Uncontested Truths
November 1, 2006

Russian Defense Reform: Current Trends
November 1, 2006

Defense Transformation: To What, For What?
November 1, 2006