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Managing Strains in the Coalition: What to Do About Saddam?
November 1, 1996

Civil-Military Relations and the Not-Quite Wars of the Present and Future
October 1, 1996

The Strategist and the Web Revisited: An Updated Guide to Internet Resources
October 1, 1996

Ethnic Conflict and European Security: Lessons from the Past and Implications for the Future
October 1, 1996

Finnish Security and European Security Policy
September 1, 1996

Managing a Changing Relationship: China’s Japan Policy in the 1990s
September 1, 1996

What’s with the Relationship between America’s Army and China’s PLA?
September 1, 1996

Unification of the United States Armed Forces: Implementing the 1986 Department of Defense Reorganization Act
August 1, 1996

India’s Security Environment: Towards the Year 2000
July 1, 1996

China’s Transition into the 21st Century: U.S. and PRC Perspectives
July 1, 1996

China’s Quest for Security in the Post-Cold War World
July 1, 1996

Reform, Conflict, and Security in Zaire
June 1, 1996