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Another View of the Revolution in Military Affairs
July 1, 1994

Responding to Terrorism across the Technological Spectrum
July 1, 1994

The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Framework for Defense Planning
June 1, 1994

Nuclear Threats from Small States
June 1, 1994

Trends in German Defense Policy: The Defense Policy Guidelines and the Centralization of Operational Control
June 1, 1994

Whither the RMA: Two Perspectives on Tomorrow’s Army
June 1, 1994

War in the Information Age
June 1, 1994

Japan’s Self-Defense Forces: What Dangers to Northeast Asia?
May 1, 1994

National Interest: From Abstraction to Strategy
May 1, 1994

The Owl of Minerva Flies at Twilight: Doctrinal Change and Continuity and the Revolution in Military Affairs
May 1, 1994

America in the Third World: Strategic Alternatives and Military Implications
May 1, 1994

Environmental Security: A DoD Partnership for Peace
April 1, 1994