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Lessons Learned – 13 Months as the Senior Military Advisor to the Minister of Interior
September 3, 2010
Cover for Lessons Learned – 13 Months as the Senior Military Advisor to the Minister of Interior

Is the Organizational Culture of the U.S. Army Congruent with the Professional Development of Its Senior Level Officer Corps?
September 1, 2010
Cover for Some of the Best Weapons for Counterinsurgents Do Not Shoot

Somalia: Line in the Sand–Identification of MYM Vulnerabilities
September 1, 2010
Cover for An Army Transformed: The U.S. Army's Post-Vietnam Recovery and the Dynamics of Change in Military Organizations

An Army Transformed: The U.S. Army’s Post-Vietnam Recovery and the Dynamics of Change in Military Organizations
September 1, 2010
Cover for An Army Transformed: The U.S. Army's Post-Vietnam Recovery and the Dynamics of Change in Military Organizations

A New Chapter in Trans-American Engagement
September 1, 2010
Cover for A New Chapter in Trans-American Engagement

Candidly, One Friend to Another
September 1, 2010
Cover for Candidly, One Friend to Another

Preparing for One War and Getting Another?
September 1, 2010
Cover for Preparing for One War and Getting Another?

America’s Flawed Afghanistan Strategy
August 1, 2010
Cover for America's Flawed Afghanistan Strategy

Defense Energy Resilience: Lessons from Ecology
August 1, 2010
Cover for An Army Transformed: The U.S. Army's Post-Vietnam Recovery and the Dynamics of Change in Military Organizations

Chinese Energy Security: The Myth of the PLAN’s Frontline Status
August 1, 2010
Cover for An Army Transformed: The U.S. Army's Post-Vietnam Recovery and the Dynamics of Change in Military Organizations

Preparing for a Mid-Term Assessment of Leadership and National Security Reform in the Obama Administration
August 1, 2010
Cover for Preparing for a Mid-Term Assessment of Leadership and National Security Reform in the Obama Administration

David Galula: His Life and Intellectual Context
August 1, 2010