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Decisionmaking in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM: Removing Saddam Hussein by Force
February 1, 2010

Accessing Talent: The Foundation of a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy
February 1, 2010

Do Oil Exports Fuel Defense Spending?
February 1, 2010

Security and Stability in Africa: A Development Approach
January 1, 2010

Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Instability in Mexico, Colombia, and the Caribbean: Implications for U.S. National Security
January 1, 2010

Something Brewing in Venezuela
January 1, 2010

Towards a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy for Success: Retaining Talent
January 1, 2010

The Army Officers’ Professional Ethic–Past, Present, and Future
January 1, 2010

Medvedev’s Plan: Giving Russia a Voice but not a Veto in a New European Security System
January 1, 2010

The Effects of Multiple Deployments on Army Adolescents
January 1, 2010

Pakistan’s Nuclear Future: Reining in the Risk
December 1, 2009

Russia Challenges the Obama Administration
December 1, 2008
Cover for Russia Challenges the Obama Administration