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Towards a New Russia Policy
February 1, 2008

Development and Reform of the Iraqi Police Forces
January 1, 2008

COIN of the Realm: U.S. Counterinsurgency Strategy
January 1, 2008

Pakistan’s Nuclear Future: Worries Beyond War
January 1, 2008

Intrepidity . . . And Character Development within the Army Profession
January 1, 2008
Cover for Intrepidity . . . And Character Development within the Army Profession

Jordanian National Security and the Future of Middle East Stability
January 1, 2008

Transforming to Effects-Based Operations: Lessons from the United Kingdom Experience
January 1, 2008

Women in Combat Compendium
January 1, 2008

Naval Transformation, Ground Forces, and the Expeditionary Impulse: The Sea-Basing Debate
December 1, 2006

Castro’s Cuba: Quo Vadis?
December 1, 2006

Iraq, Women’s Empowerment and Public Policy
December 1, 2006

Iraqi Security Forces and Lessons from Korea
December 1, 2006