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Reforming NATO’s Military Structures: The Long-Term Study and Its Implications for Land Forces
May 1, 1998

Redefining Land Power for the 21st Century
May 1, 1998

The Creeping Irrelevance of U.S. Force Planning
May 1, 1998

The Case for Army XXI
May 1, 1998

European Security and NATO Enlargement: A View from Central Europe
April 1, 1998

AY 97 Compendium Army After Next Project
April 1, 1998

New Century, Old Thinking: The Dangers of the Perceptual Gap in U.S.-China Relations
April 1, 1998

Evolutionary Technology in the Current Revolution in Military Affairs: The Army Tactical Command and Control System
March 25, 1998

Russia’s Armed Forces on the Brink of Reform
March 1, 1998

Five-Dimensional (Cyber) Warfighting: Can the Army After Next be Defeated Through Complex Concepts and Technologies?
March 1, 1998

The Age of Revolutions
March 1, 1998

Joint U.S. Army-Navy War Planning on the Eve of the First World War
February 16, 1998