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Force Planning Considerations for Army XXI
February 1, 1998

Searching for Stable Peace in the Persian Gulf
February 1, 1998

World View: The 1998 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute
February 1, 1998

Assessing the Costs of Failure
June 26, 1997

The Evolution in Military Affairs: Shaping the Future U.S. Armed Forces
June 16, 1997

Challenges and Options in the Caucasus and Central Asia
April 22, 1997

The Future Roles of U.S. Military Power and Their Implications
April 18, 1997

Why Russian Policy is Failing in Asia
April 2, 1997

Strategic Horizons: The Military Implications of Alternative Futures
March 7, 1997

The Dynamics of Russian Weapon Sales to China
March 4, 1997

World View: The 1997 Strategic Assessment from the Strategic Studies Institute
February 3, 1997

Haiti Update
January 29, 1997