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Tag: history

Defeating Terrorism: Strategic Issue Analyses
January 1, 2002

Transforming Defense an Era of Peace and Prosperity
December 1, 2001

W(h)ither Corps?
August 1, 2001

Army Transformation: A View from the U.S. Army War College
July 1, 2001

New Century, Old Thinking: The Dangers of the Perceptual Gap in U.S.-China Relations
April 1, 1998

Joint U.S. Army-Navy War Planning on the Eve of the First World War
February 16, 1998

Ethnic Conflict and European Security: Lessons from the Past and Implications for the Future
October 1, 1996

Deciphering the Balkan Enigma: Using History to Inform Policy
November 7, 1995

Two Historians in Technology and War
July 1, 1994

Afghanistan and Beyond: Reflections on the Future of Warfare
June 1, 1993

General George C. Marshall: Strategic Leadership and the Challenges of Reconstituting the Army, 1939-41
February 1, 1993