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Category: Regional Issues

Jihadist Cells and “IED” Capabilities in Europe: Assessing the Present and Future Threat to the West
November 1, 2012
Cover for Jihadist Cells and "IED" Capabilities in Europe: Assessing the Present and Future Threat to the West

Op-Ed: The Romance of Great Powers in Northeast Asia
October 23, 2012

Russia’s Homegrown Insurgency: Jihad in the North Caucasus
October 1, 2012
Cover for Russia's Homegrown Insurgency: Jihad in the North Caucasus

The Future of American Landpower: Does Forward Presence Still Matter? The Case of the Army in Europe
October 1, 2012
Cover for The Future of American Landpower: Does Forward Presence Still Matter? The Case of the Army in Europe

State-Building Challenges in a Post-Revolution Libya
October 1, 2012
Cover for State-Building Challenges in a Post-Revolution Libya

Perspectives on Russian Foreign Policy
September 1, 2012
Cover for Perspectives on Russian Foreign Policy

The Prospects for Security Sector Reform in Tunisia: A Year After the Revolution
September 1, 2012
Cover for The Prospects for Security Sector Reform in Tunisia: A Year After the Revolution

Russia and the Current State of Arms Control
September 1, 2012
Cover for Russia and the Current State of Arms Control

Hidden Dragon, Crouching Lion: How China’s Advance in Africa is Underestimated and Africa’s Potential Underappreciated
September 1, 2012
Cover for Hidden Dragon, Crouching Lion: How China's Advance in Africa is Underestimated and Africa's Potential Underappreciated

Against All Odds: Relations between NATO and the MENA Region
August 1, 2012
Cover for Against All Odds: Relations between NATO and the MENA Region

Transnational Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Criminalized States in Latin America: An Emerging Tier-One National Security Priority
August 1, 2012
Cover for Transnational Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Criminalized States in Latin America: An Emerging Tier-One National Security Priority

Arms Control and European Security
August 1, 2012
Cover for Arms Control and European Security