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Deterring War without Threatening War: Rehabilitating the West’s Risk-averse Approach to Deterrence
January 19, 2024
Deterring War without Threatening War: Rehabilitating the West’s Risk-averse Approach to Deterrence - Military Strategy Magazine
Antulio J. Echevarria II 

Expert Analysis on Latest Attacks in Ukraine
October 6, 2023
Expert Analysis on Latest Attacks in Ukraine
US Army War College | Strategic Studies Institute

Military expert John Deni talks to CNN's Laila Harrak about Russian attacks on civilians, and the question of U.S. aid.
Expert analysis on latest attacks in Ukraine | CNN (https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/10/07/exp-ukraine-laila-guest-fst-100702aseg1.cnn)

CNN Host Laila Guest interviews John R. Deni on the current situation in Ukraine. 

Photo is a screenshot of the CNN interview.

2023 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment
August 24, 2023
2023 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment
The Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment serves as a guide for academics and practitioners in the defense community on the current challenges and opportunities in the strategic environment. This year’s publication outlines key strategic issues across the four broad themes of Regional Challenges and Opportunities, Domestic Challenges, Institutional Challenges, and Domains Impacting US Strategic Advantage. These themes represent a wide range of topics affecting national security and provide a global assessment of the strategic environment to help focus the defense community on research and publication. Strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China and the implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine remain dominant challenges to US national security interests across the globe. However, the evolving security environment also presents new and unconventional threats, such as cyberattacks, terrorism, transnational crime, and the implications of rapid technological advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence. At the same time, the US faces domestic and institutional challenges in the form of recruiting and retention shortfalls in the all-volunteer force, the prospect of contested logistics in large-scale combat operations, and the health of the US Defense Industrial Base. Furthermore, rapidly evolving security landscapes in the Arctic region and the space domain pose unique potential challenges to the Army’s strategic advantage.

Fernando Villavicencio and the Self-Destructive Collaboration between China and Populist Regimes
August 15, 2023
Fernando Villavicencio and the Self-Destructive Collaboration between China and Populist Regimes
R. Evan Ellis

NATO’s Defense Demands Eastern Front Improvements
July 20, 2023
NATO’s Defense Demands Eastern Front Improvements

NATO Vilnius Summit could have been historic. Instead, it mostly kicked the can down the road.
July 14, 2023
NATO Vilnius Summit could have been historic. Instead, it mostly kicked the can down the road. 
John R. Deni

We don’t really know which NATO allies are pulling their weight.
July 10, 2023
We don’t really know which NATO allies are pulling their weight.

Debate continues over whether to invite Ukraine to join NATO
July 10, 2023
Debate continues over whether to invite Ukraine to join NATO

Security Challenges in the Caribbean: Threats, Migration, and International Cooperation
July 6, 2023
Security Challenges in the Caribbean: Threats, Migration, and International Cooperation, R. Evan Ellis, SSI Worldwide

The Trouble with China’s Global Civilization Initiative (on The Diplomat)
June 1, 2023
The Trouble with China’s Global Civilization Initiative (on The Diplomat)

Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising
May 17, 2023
Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising
Mitchell G. Klingenberg
US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College Press

Stress-Testing Chinese-Russian Relations
May 9, 2023
Stress-Testing Chinese-Russian Relations
Robert E. Hamilton