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Russian Warships, Venezuelan Elections, and a Fabricated Crisis with Guyana in the Caribbean?
June 17, 2024
Russian Warships, Venezuelan Elections, and a Fabricated Crisis with Guyana in the Caribbean?

R. Evan Ellis

Playing Both Sides of the U.S.-Chinese Rivalry
May 29, 2024
Slide for Playing Both Sides of the U.S. Chinese Rivalry

The New NATO Force Model: Ready For Launch?
May 28, 2024
The New NATO Force Model: Ready For Launch? | John R. Deni
Published by NATO

China-Argentina Space Engagement
May 23, 2024
China-Argentina Space Engagement | R. Evan Ellis
Background photo of China and Argentina’s deep space ground station antennas from Wikimedia, April, 2022 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Estaci%C3%B3n_de_Espacio_Profundo_de_la_CLTC-CONAE-NEUQUEN_en_abril_2022_02.jpg)

Argentina: Security Challenges and the Government Response
May 13, 2024
In addition to Argentina’s profound economic crisis, the nation faces serious security challenges. These include use of the country as a drug transit zone, including cocaine from Bolivia and Peru bound for Europe and marijuana from Paraguay.

Paraguay: A Promising Government Navigating a Perilous Path
May 1, 2024
Paraguay: A Promising Government Navigating a Perilous Path
The greatest gift that Cartes can give the country and President Peña is to empower Peña to take the real and symbolic steps to frontally tackle corruption.

Now It’s Up to Europe to Take the Lead in Ukraine
April 25, 2024
Continental security can no longer be outsourced to the U.S., which may soon have other wars to fight.
By John R. Deni and Lisa A. Aronsson

Risk, Rumors, and Reprisals: The Imagined Side of Professional Writing
April 12, 2024
Risk, Rumors, and Reprisals: The Imagined Side of Professional Writing

75 years in, NATO Remains As Vital As Ever to American Life
April 4, 2024
As NATO marks 75 years since its founding, there are serious questions among some Americans who doubt the value of the trans-Atlantic alliance. They argue that it’s anachronistic, full of burden-sharing slackers and insufficiently focused on America’s main adversary, China.

At 75, NATO Is Still Worth the Price
April 4, 2024
Despite achieving notable successes over its seventy-five years of existence, NATO today faces a major challenge. A change in the United States’ commitment could spell the demise of the alliance.

Research Handbook on NATO "Collective Defense"
March 28, 2024
Research Handbook on NATO "Collective Defense" by John R. Deni

Argentina Political and Economic Challenges
March 12, 2024
Argentina Political and Economic Challenges | R. Evan Ellis